阪和興業は戦後間もない1947年、大阪の焼け野原から立ち上がろうと、北さんと2 人の兄が立ち上げた会社だった。
日本の高度成長を支えた鉄鋼の流通を担い、急速に売り上げを伸ばした。 国内外に30近い拠点を展開、社員は1000人を超えていた。社員教育に自ら取り組み北社長の姿が映されている。
(社訓) 1、 誠実と努力で信用を高めよう
However, why did Kita start to be obsessed with Zaiteku?
Hanwa Kogyo was founded by him and his 2 older brothers in order to overcome the ruin of the war in Osaka, 1947.
They assumed the distribution of steel had sustained Japan’s economic growth and their sales boomed. About 30 offices were branched out in domestic and global areas and over 1,000 employees were working for the company.
The president Kita was striving to train his employees enthusiastically.
(The motto of the company)
1. Raise faith in customers with our honesty and efforts.
The honesty and efforts held up in the 1st part of the motto but their sound management would be changing in a negative way…. Why?
鉄鋼の需要もそれまでのような増加が望めないような時代が来ようとしていた。阪和興業 …. 創業以来右肩あがりを続けていた本業の売上高は、80年代横ばいに転じた。
In 1970’s, Japan’s high growth had begun to decline resulting to twice an oil crisis as a turning point.
The demand of steel was considered not to increase as much as before.
The sales of Hanwa Kogyo changed to remain at the same level in 1980’s although it had increased since they founded the company.
(A former executive of Hanwa)
“I saw the company changing and what we first did was that removing the motto of the company and setting up banner-flags where “Profit First” was written on every floor.“
Financial Liberalization
(81年 北社長がやった公演の記録/ “過去を振り返って80年代を考える”
こういった事態をどう克服して いくのか。それが問題であります。 売り上げの伸びが止まり、利益が減るのを何かで補っていく方法を考えざるを えないのではないかと思います。”
(In 1981, President Kita’s performance)
“From now on, any business wouldn’t grow as sharply as before.” Kita
Through the main business had gone as far as it could go, Kita started giving a priority to Zaiteku. However, in those days, a big shift in the financial market surrounding Japan was happening. The starting point of the shift was actually the U.S.
Fund raising across the borders and free setting of interest rate were encouraged by US government.
External pressure from the U.S for the financial liberalization had been increasingly built up.
World’s Kita Money
金融の自由化でもたらされた新たな投資手法は、日本企業を財テクに駆り立てた。阪和興業は当時日本より金利の低かった海外(アメリカ)の市場から資金を調達し、その資金を今度は金利の高い国内の銀行預金(高金利)、株式・為替で 運用し増やしていった。
They wanted Japanese investors having a huge amount of funds to expand their options for their investments by liberalizing Japan’s financial market.
They also had an aim of expanding the entry of American financial institutions into the Japanese market.
A new method for investment brought by the financial liberalization drove Japanese companies to undertake Zaiteku. Hanwa raised funds from U.S market whose interest rate was lower than Japan’s.
Then, the funds were increased by Japanese bank deposits providing higher interest rate and the use of stock and exchange. In 1989, five years after they started Zaiteku, the profit made by Zaiteku had doubled.
However, why did the profit expand?