野口悠紀雄 早稲田大学ファイナンス総合研究所顧問


そして地価が上がる→そうするとゴルフ場の開発がものすごい利益を出す→全く元出なしに会員を集め会員権を売ると銀行が簡単に融資する→そしてゴルフ 場ができてしまう



Yukio Noguchi (An adviser of the University of Waseda financial research institute)

“During the economic bubble back in 1980s, unrealistic thing was happening in Japan. In short, raising funds with a lower interest rate and depositing it allowed anyone to be able to make profits, which was unrealistic.

Also land price went up. Then, the development of golf courses created a large amount of profits. Owners looked for members and sold them membership. After that, banks lent them more money easily and this was going to a new development of a golf course.

In 1987, I published a thesis where I mentioned that Japan’s land price was swelling in a magazine.

Perhaps, this was the first one which pointed out that the increase in land price was bubble. However, I got a bunch of criticism. 


”地価がバブルを起こすはずない。株は上がったり下がったりするが、日本は土地が少ない、だから土地の価格が上がるのは当たり前なんだ” 。




しかしここにもわけが あった。

Many critics said, “land price can’t cause bubble economy. Stock can go up and down. However, Japan has fewer lands so that the increase in land price is natural.”

When it comes to the example of Hanwa, the most important thing is that the production of steel (their main business) was declining in those days.

Therefore, they were seeking for another way of making profits. At the same time, sort of maladjustment triggered by the financial liberalization drove people to start Zaiteku.

This means the environment was ready for Zaiteku. Companies were heading to finance and amateurs were going to real estate.”

Plaza Accord(プラザ合意)

バブルの引き金とされるプラザ合意(1985年 9月)。






Plaza Accord is regarded as the trigger of Japan’s economic bubble (1985 September).

5 advanced countries decided to aim weak U.S$ required by the States.

What was behind this was the US trade deficit which had accumulated massively of those days. In particular, the most severe case was a trade conflict between the U.S and Japan.

The car import from Japan had increased drastically back then. Therefore, the U.S required Japan to lead strong Japanese ¥ and the financial liberalization.

For the U.S, the appreciation of the Japanese currency meant that import prices from Japan would rise and they were able to expect to restrict imports.

Then, after the strong Japanese ¥ took root, if Japan implemented the financial liberalization, the amount of domestic capitals would increase and their economy would be stimulated.

Finally, the U.S would be able to expand their exports to Japan. This was the scenario that the U.S was deeming.

In those days, the U.S was not able to compete with Japan in terms of both efficiency and competitiveness.

Financial Liberalization(金融緩和)



86年3月 4.5%
   3月 4%
   4月 3.5%



「この1年間に1平方メートルあたり67万円余だった土地の価格が、133万円 とほぼ2倍になりました。異常な上がり方です。短期間に繰り返された利下げで銀行による不動産業への融資が拡大し、地価の上昇が加速していった。日銀の中でバブルへの警戒感が強まり出したのはこの時だったと当時理事だっ た佃さんは語った。」

In January, 1986 (4 months after Plaza Accord), the Bank of Japan started the financial liberalization.

The means was reducing *the official bank rate (the rate of interest when the Bank of Japan lend money to banks)

January 4.5%
March 4%
April 3.5%

Implementing the reduction in the official bank rate could make capitals flow into banks easily, and then the amount of funds in markets increased dramatically.

The price of one hundred square meters of land in Tokyo went up to ¥1,330,000 from ¥670,000 in this year, which was almost double and an unrealistic way of rising. The reduction in the official bank rate repeated within a short period made banks’ financing to real estate businesses expand and it resulted in accelerating the appreciation of land price eventually.”  1986 NHK News