
2 Options (for building up key industries)

1. 軽工業:繊維、雑貨などの強化

1. Strengthening the light industry including textiles and daily goods

2. 重工業化:車・家電・鉄鋼などの強化

2. Strengthening the heavy industry including the automobile, the electronic, and the steel industries.



The light industry was not designated as a part of the munitions industry. Therefore, it revived soon after the end of the war. In addition, low personnel expenses allowed Japan to offer competitive prices.

On the other hand, the heavy industry (private enterprises) had fallen behind due to the devastation of the war. Moreover, their operations were strictly limited by MacArthur’s policy and had not gone forward at all.

Key Person 1

元通産省事務次官 佐橋滋




“The textile industry completed a dramatic rehabilitation, which even scared me. We really sold, sold, and sold textiles. But what was on other countries’ mind was the textile business was nothing more than a poor business which only under-developed countries usually undertook, and developed countries were producing more industrial goods.

Eventually, we agreed to boost the heavy and chemical industries inasmuch as there was plenty of room where technological innovation would happen. We thought international competitiveness of companies would be very important and the heavy industry should be prioritized.”

Shigeru Sahashi (the MITI)

Key Person 2

元通産省事務次官 両角良彦


そういう気持ちを無意識のうちにみんな持っていた。これが原動力になった(=hungry spirit)。


“Everyone wanted Japan to be a leading country. We lost the war.

Therefore, we wanted to compensate for its burden and humiliation, and catch up with the world by industrializing our country.

Everyone had this sort of mentality in their heart and this became the moving force. “

Yoshihiko Morozumi (the MITI)


The Heavy Industry



The way the bureaucracy chose was industrialization.

Even if there was a rocky road, the heavy industry which was able to create valued goods would be expected to lead Japan to have higher economic growth and would be able to create a great deal of employment opportunities.