
86年9月5日 宮沢大蔵大臣がアメリカへ飛んだ。アメリカ・ベーカー財務長官にこれ以上円高が進まないよう協力を求めるため 急遽行われた会談。




In September 1986, the strong yen (¥) advanced up to ¥150/$ from ¥240/$ previous year. This affected Japan’s exporters negatively, so-called strong yen (¥) recession.

On September 5th, 1986, the Minister of Finance Miyazawa flew to America to ask the Secretary of Treasury Baker, to cooperate with Japan to stop the advance in strong Japan’s currency.

However, Baker insisted that the trade deficit had not become smaller than the U.S expected and because of this, he didn’t give an answer. Instead, he required that Japan was the extra reduction in the official bank rate.

The Bank of Japan pressed to respond to this requirement also got a lot of criticism that it should be avoided. A person who was at the center of this opinion was Yasushi Mieno, the Vice-Governor of the Bank of Japan. In his lifetime, he talked about the actual situation in an internal document.

A New Fact



”都心の地価の上昇ももちろんすごい。貴金属とはそういうものを見てもマネー ゲーム的な動きがさらに少しずつ大きくなりつつあるから、国内の経済情勢か ら見て公定歩合の引き下げは不可だ”

しかし、1か月後の86年10月31日、日本銀行 ・澄田智総裁、



A new fact had come to light. The Governor of the Bank of Japan, Sumida, was convinced by Mieno that the reduction of the official bank rate should not occur.

Mieno thought the sharp appreciation of land price was unrealistic and sort of money game was happening in a lot of markets.

Therefore, he believed that it would be impossible to raise the official bank rate in terms of the domestic economy.

However, on October 31 1986, the Governor of the Bank of Japan Sumida declared that implementing the reduction in the official bank rate would help expand and promote domestic demand.

He decided to go ahead with extra reduction in the official bank rate.

Joint Statement

The Secretary of Treasury Baker


円高の進行を抑えていくことでアメリカの合意を取り付け、その代わり利下げを 行ったというもの。



On the same day, the top of the Ministry of Finance Miyazawa issued a joint statement with the Secretary of Treasury Baker.

Japan and the U.S reached an agreement on the matter of advance in strong yen and the reduction in the official bank rate.

That means that the U.S promised to support Japan to suppress the strong currency, but instead, Japan would carry out the reduction in the rate.

The fact that the reduction in the bank rate would be incorporated into the joint statement was not informed to Mieno.


三重野康 (オーラルヒストリーより)

我々はこんなこと知らないです。 宮澤さんと澄田さんがどういう話をしたのか、よく分からないんですね。どっちにしろ国内的な要因で(公定歩合を)下げたというよりは、対外的な配慮で下げたわけです。


・86年11月 3%
・87年2月 2.5%



早く利上げに転じるべ きではないか?

Even though the Ministry of Finance did not have a right to decide the reduction in the bank rate, Miyazawa incorporated it into the joint statement.

There might have been a meeting between the top of the Ministry of Finance (Miyazawa) and the Governor of the Bank of Japan (Sumida).

The official bank rate was reduced to 3% in November 1986 and to 2.5% in February 1987, which was the lowest level since the end of the second world war.

The financing to real estate businesses got spurred more and more and the land price in Tokyo went up sharply.

In addition, it started to happen not only in the capital (Tokyo), but also in suburbs. Actually, directors in the Bank of Japan had already started thinking of raising the interest rate.