野口悠紀雄 早稲田大学ファイナンス総合研究所顧問






“The underlying cause of this was Japan’s financial institutions’ side.

They lost investment destination. During the period of the rehabilitation of the end of the second world war and of high growth economy, the financial institutions had a very important role in supplying funds to companies for their capital investments.

However, after the end of the high growth economy, this sort of demand decreased drastically, but still, a deposit was coming in.

Therefore, they had to turn over the funds. Then, the best investment destination was towards real estate businesses (very lucrative and cushy).”

A Japanese economist Yukio Noguchi

The Continuous Expansion of the Bubble Economy

1979年、「Japan as No.1」がアメリカで出版された。日本の製造業の強さに注目が集まっていた。

戦後圧倒的な存在だったアメリカを抜いて、日本の自動車、半導体が世界のトッ プに躍り出る。



In 1979 “Japan as No.1” was published in the U.S. The strength of Japan’s manufacturing had attracted attention.

The Japanese manufacturing industry including automobile and semiconductor surpassed American companies which used to be overwhelmingly powerful after the end of the war.

On the other hand, in America, a lot of car factories started to be shut down and manufacturers’ competitiveness became weaker.

At that time, the transition of industrial structure began to the finance and IT from the manufacturing industry in the U.S.

The Transition of Industrial Structure

野口悠紀雄 早稲田大学ファイナンス総合研究所顧問








Yukio Noguchi also analyzed that back then, the structure of the global economy and technology had been changing.

Therefore, the US’s decline in the manufacturing and strengthening the service industry were just right direction.

Which one is more important between market and organization?

People started to consider the market to be more significant. Accordingly, the financial liberalization was inevitable back then and it was a global trend.

Japanese people were able to see just the U.S economy became weak, and in comparison to the U.S, they thought Japan became stronger extremely.

Due to this sort of thought (misconception), Japanese people were not suspicious of the sharp appreciation of land prices and stock prices.

The Rise of Asian Competitors

The comparison o GDP growth



  • 米ソ冷戦終結
  • 広がる資本主義
  • 韓国など新興国台頭
  • 日本では金融機関破綻相次ぐ(拓殖銀行)
  • 企業倒産時代(そごう)
  • 相次ぐリストラ
  • 非正規雇用拡大
  • 長引デフレ
  • 中国の市場経済への参入 – 10億人の労働力/世界の工場へ


日本の GDP は 97.4 (2013) で、この20年ほぼ変わっていない。一方、韓国は4倍(447.8)、 中国は16倍(1609.9) と急激に成長した。


In 1989, the economic bubble reached a climax.

On the other hand, a time of social upheaval was happening around the world.

  • The Cold War ended
  • The capitalism was spreading
  • The rise of developing nations
  • A number of bankruptcy of financial institutions in Japan
  • The period of bankruptcy
  • The word of restructuring = firing
  • The expansion of contract employment
  • Long-lasting deflation
  • The entry of China to the market economy – The labor force of 10 billion people/ The world factory

The diagram above is the comparison of GDP growth between these nations (1993 = 100%).

Japan: 97% (2015)
Korea: 461% (2015)
China: 1649% (2015)  

Japan has not changed for 20 years.

Japanese people call this negative consequence “The Lost 2 decades”, but it passed like this.