Shimomura who learned Keynesian economics came to the conclusion that a trigger for economic growth was the investment in plants and equipment of private companies.
From right after the end of WW2, Shimomura visited a lot of factories and saw many producers working with very poor equipment and aiming to make as many products as possible. The nation was passionate about production.
Shimomura thought that if a policy which promoted companies to carry out the investment in plants and equipment was working out, dramatic economic growth would start spontaneously.
Positive Cycle
鉄鋼メーカーが設備投資によって質の良い鉄を安く作れるようになれば鉄を使 う自動車や家電製品も価格が下がる。
If steelmakers start to be able to offer quality products at competitive prices by investment in plants and equipment, the price of cars and household appliances, which need steel, will be decreased.
If the price of cars goes down, the number of consumers will go up and carmakers will also implement capital investment for a production increase.
Then, the demand for steel will increase and the steel manufacturers will carry out new capital investment.
これが 下村理論の核心だった。
If this positive cycle happens in all industries, Japan’s economy will rapidly improve.
This was the core of Shimomura’s theory.
”The capital investment in the industrial world will push through the economy with the power of innovation. I surveyed our future while thinking of this result.” Osamu Shimomura
Shimomura’s First Meeting with Hayato Ikeda (1958)
Shimomura had a fateful meeting with a politician in the summer of 1958. He was invited to a study meeting as the main guest.
The politician was a member of the House of Representatives, Hayato Ikeda.
Ikeda was a promising politician since he had held some important positions, including the Minister of Finance and of the MITI.
However, Ikeda started to be regarded as an inappropriate person for Japan’s Prime Minister due to his lots of *controversial remarks.
“I think it is strange if people say, we will die because tax is high.”
“Bankruptcies of small and medium sized companies and suicide cannot be helped.”
In order for him to become prime minister, he was looking for an economic policy which would be able to help him appeal to voters.
He found Shimomura’s High-Growth Theory and decided to adopt it for his election policy.
In reality, he was not able to understand Shimomura’s theory which included very difficult numerical formulas.
However, he strongly agreed with Shimomura on his theory where he claimed that strong growth power was lurking in Japan.
All Ikeda had to do was paraphrase Shimomura’s difficult theory to accessible language that everyone would understand. Ikeda claimed that he would be able to double income wages in ten years.
The 1st Ikeda Cabinet (1960 July ~)
1960年7月 第一次池田内閣(所得倍増論)
「もし実現できなかった場合? これはね政治家はね一言一句、一挙手一投足 責任を取ります。」
税収の6%に当たる1000億円の(法人税・所得税) 大減税を断行。
The first Ikeda Cabinet started with the theory of “double income” from 1960.
“If I can’t realize the campaign pledge? Well, I’ll be taking full responsibility for it and stepping down. This is a practical politician.” Ikeda
He followed Shimomura’s theory and launched policies which promoted companies to invest in plants and machinery.
He carried out a ¥100 billion tax credit which included corporate tax and income tax. It accounted for 6% of Japan’s revenue.
Moreover, he created a business-friendly environment where companies were able to get loans from banks easily while lowering the rate of bank loans.
黒田氏の会社もこの時期大規模な設備投資に踏み切る(自動車・家電用モータ に必要な金型の量産体制を整える)
Companies which received financing from banks started to implement capital investments aggressively.
Shoichi Kuroda also decided to invest in large-scale plant and machinery during this period.
“Firstly, I mechanized what people were doing and then, automated the mechanized production lines.” Back then, banks even said, “if your sales does not triple in three years, I’ll consider your company to be falling behind your other competitors.” It was an unthinkable age.” Shoichi Kuroda