本日の NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW で Step up English のテーマはルノー・日産・三菱自動車連合会長カルロス・ゴーン氏が逮捕された事件についてです。。
-Nissan’s Ghosn arrested for alleged financial misconduct-
Carlos Ghosn was on Monday arrested by Tokyo prosecutors for alleged financial misconduct as Nissan Motor, the company he has led for almost 20 years, said it was preparing to sack him as chairman.
The arrest follows allegations by Nissan that it had uncovered “serious misconduct” by Ghosn, including the misuse of company funds. His “prompt” removal as chairman of the Japanese car company that he helped to turn around nearly two decades ago would be proposed to the board on Thursday, the group said.
The downfall of one of the auto industry’s most powerful and highly paid executives has sent a shock wave through the investment community, the auto industry and even into the highest levels of government. As well as chairman o Nissan, Ghosn is chairman and chief executive of Renault, the carmaker in which the French government has a 15% stake, and chairman of Mitsubishi Motors. Together the three companies have formed a global alliance which is the world’s
French President Emmanuel Macron said it was “too soon to tell the reality and materiality of the accusations.”
-ゴーン日産会長 逮捕-
Tada 解説
・alleged = ~の疑い、事件への関与
・financial misconduct = 会計上の不正行為
・sack = クビにする
・the misuse of company funds = 会社資金の流用/ misuse =
・turn around = 会社の業績が回復する、させる。昔その道のプロをターンアラウンドスペシャリストと呼びました。
・sent a shock wave = 衝撃を与えた
・too soon to tell = 〜について語るのは時期尚早。It’s premature to do にも置き換えられます。
ゴーン氏の逮捕は whistleblower’s report(内部通報)があり、その後日産による internal investigation(内部調査)を経て明らかになりました。
Whistle (ホイッスル/ 口笛)+ blower(鳴らす人)の直訳が ‘a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing.’(汚職や悪事を他人に伝える、もしくは公に告発する人)という意味で使われるようです。
また BBC のニュースではゴーン氏= cost killer と描写し、”That he is now in trouble for, among other things, under-reporting how much he was paid, will be seen by many as ironic(彼が今、他にも色々な問題がある中、支払われた報酬金額よりも少なく報告したことでトラブルの渦中にあることは、多くの人が皮肉として受け止めるだろう). と解説されていたようです。
これは有価証券報告書(securities report)の虚偽記載での法律違反は、実際より過大に見せる粉飾決算のようなケースに適用されるのが一般的で、彼のように過少申告での適用は珍しいからだそうな。