本日の NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW で Step up English のテーマは米国の広範な貿易協定の要求に関してです。




US VP Pence pushes Abe for wide-ranging trade agreement-

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said Washington expects upcoming trade negotiations with Japan to result in a wide-ranging agreement, in stark contrast to Japan’s playing down the significance of the talks.

“The best opportunity for free, fair and reciprocal trade will come in a bilateral trade agreement,” Pence said at a joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, after the two had met in Tokyo. “Negotiations will begin soon. When completed, we are confident the agreement will establish terms on goods as well as in other key areas, including services.”

In September, U.S. President Donald Trump and Abe agreed to start negotiations on a trade agreement on goods, or TAG. The agreement came aimed growing pressure by the Trump administration to resolve the U.S.’s trade deficit with Japan. Talks are scheduled to start in January.

Pence’s remarks indicate the Trump administration intends to negotiate a wide-ranging deal. Pence complained that “the U.S has had a trade imbalance with Japan for too long,” and that “American products and services to often face barriers to compete fairly in the Japanese market.”







Tada 解説

・upcoming = 近く起こる

・trade negotiations = 貿易交渉

・result in = 〜という結果になる

・wide-ranging = 広範な

・in stark contrast to = ~ とは全く対照的

・play down = 過小評価する

・reciprocal = 互恵的な(recprocal というワードだけでなく ‘互恵的な’ という日本語も初耳です)

・bilateral = 2国間の

・joint news conference = 共同記者発表

・when completed = 完了すれば

・establish terms on = 〜で条件を設ける

・on a trade agreement on goods = 物品貿易協定で

・come aimed = 当分

・One’s trade deficit with … = 〜に対する貿易赤字。対する = to/towards に思えますが with に注意!

・be scheduled to = 〜するつもり。ビジネス英語ではこの表現は頻繁に出てきます。

・intend to = 〜するつもりである

・imbalance = 不均衡

ペンス副大統領が10月に行なった演説では日本と free-trade agreement(自由貿易協定) 交渉を始めると発言したのに対し、ホワイトハウスのサイトでは free-trade deal(自由貿易の取り決め)と記されており、モノの関税だけにとどめたい日本側への配慮があったようです。