





Price competition (which was becoming problematic) made individual makers strive to develop new functions.

SANYO continued development races just to add very tiny new functions such as reducing the noise and power consumption of washing machines.

The most important thing was that these added functions did not appeal to international customers. Therefore, SANYO struggled to make businesses in the global market, fettered by the developed functions.

Since SANYO added a lot of functions to their products, they were falling behind Korean and Chinese companies in terms of price.

90 Times

1993以降のハイアール、サムスン、三洋電機の売り上げの伸び率 (19931とする) がそれを示す。


2000年代に入ると、アメリカ・シリコンバレーで進む、画期的なテクノロジーが日本 企業を追い詰めていく。

ITを駆使した技術革新 (Google や Oracle など)。これまでのものづくりの概念を大きく変えるものだった。


Since 1993, Samsung and Haier completed marvelous growth.

SANYO’s rate of growth = 1 (1993)

Samsung: 5 times
Haier: 90 times

In 2000’s, innovative technology created in Silicon Valley drove Japanese companies into a corner.

Technological innovation making full use of IT changed the concept of “Monozukuri”. (e.g. Google and Oracle)

Moreover, the innovative products which Apple launched became the global standard.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs


If you look at the reason that the iPod exists and Apple’s in that market place, it’s because these really great Japanese consumer electronics companies who kinda owned the portable music market for long-run invented it and owned it, couldn’t do the appropriate software, couldn’t conceive of and implement the appropriate software. Because iPod is really just software.”

Steve Jobs


A War of Attrition

Source: www.thepresidentpost.com



「まさか僕そこ(ハイアール)に行くとは思いませんでしたけどね。まぁ負けますわ。あのスピード感には日本メーカーは。 根回しとか日本の独特の交渉術ですけどグローバルスタンダードと違うんですよね。「答え先言え」っていう話ですよね。」


In 2012, SANYO’s departments of washing machine and refrigerator were acquired by Haier (China). Nishizawa is now unifying the Asian department of washing machine in Haier and keenly realized the strictness of the global company.

“Now I can understand the reason why Japanese makers lost the competitions. A feeling of speediness of this company is totally different from SANYO. Japanese companies prioritize sort of prior consultation, but when it comes to the global standard, we have to show our answer first.”


After all, SANYO came under the umbrella of Panasonic and the brand of SANYO lapsed.